Two Years Later
So here it is two years after that horrific day in January, 2015 when our world was shattered. Amazing how something that dramatic can begin to fade in memory as things get put back together and life gets its rhythm back again. The store has come together nicely and it should have! Closed nearly six months - all new glass across the front - new entry-way - refinished floor new display shelves for the destroyed ones and freshened up and repainted for the undamaged ones - all new inventory to replace the lost - new customer check-out counter that is a copy of the old one - new computer system to replace the destroyed one. Our customers were great! Very supportive of us while we were closed and many many good wishes for us to get back into operation. We did a regular ad in our local weekly newspaper that kept readers up to date on our progress and what was happening in the renovation. A touching moment was when the TRUE VALUE truck pulled up in front of the store to deliver our first re-stocking shipment and folks on the walkway applauded and cheered.
We kept our store listed for sale during the closure and actually the store is now in better shape than before the crash so is a better deal for buyer. We've had many inquiries from prospective buyers and some fairly serious ones. We recognize though that our store is pretty unique and it will take a pretty unique buyer who appreciates the history and heritage of the store and its importance in the business district of our town. We continue to hope that a new owner will carry on the traditional hardware store but at the same time bring new ideas and new energy that will carry it forward.
We've always had a theory that on the first of March people turn over the page on their calendar and say - "Oh - - - it's March! Spring is coming! I need to spade the garden. I need to paint the garage. I need to fix the fence." and our business clicks into a higher gear than in February (which we jokingly call the "armpit of the year" - slow business, short days, crappy weather) and that seems to be happening this year as in previous ones. Today is the 4th day of March and we're feeling an up-tick in business that bears the promise of a good spring and summer. We're ready.
We kept our store listed for sale during the closure and actually the store is now in better shape than before the crash so is a better deal for buyer. We've had many inquiries from prospective buyers and some fairly serious ones. We recognize though that our store is pretty unique and it will take a pretty unique buyer who appreciates the history and heritage of the store and its importance in the business district of our town. We continue to hope that a new owner will carry on the traditional hardware store but at the same time bring new ideas and new energy that will carry it forward.
We've always had a theory that on the first of March people turn over the page on their calendar and say - "Oh - - - it's March! Spring is coming! I need to spade the garden. I need to paint the garage. I need to fix the fence." and our business clicks into a higher gear than in February (which we jokingly call the "armpit of the year" - slow business, short days, crappy weather) and that seems to be happening this year as in previous ones. Today is the 4th day of March and we're feeling an up-tick in business that bears the promise of a good spring and summer. We're ready.