Enough of the complaining about weather! I'm reminded of the old saying; "A wise man once told me; 'smile - things could be worse', so I smiled and sure enough - things got worse." We tried to smile about it and it just got worse. A sloppy wet snow storm on March 30 and 31 that left us with 5 or 6 inches of slush. So - enough of this. We're just going to ignore it and hope it goes away.
As to this photo - we have no idea what it is! Obviously "Dunsmuir Mercantile Company", but don't know where or who or when. It's definitely not connected with our store or the town of Dunsmuir. It is obviously in the horse and buggy era - late 1800s or very early 1900s I'd guess. It's possibly connected with the Dunsmuir family somehow - they were in British Columbia at that time. In any event it is an interesting photo. Click on it to enlarge it and you can check out some of the details.
We put out our first of the month bargains yesterday - sets of pruning tools, two packs of weed killer, and garden rakes and shovels. All springtime oriented items that should be in high demand. Emphasis on SHOULD BE. On a positive note - we're selling the heck out of heaters, snow shovels and ice melter. IN APRIL!!!
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